
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 February 2004

Bad Ideas Come at Night 

I just realised I have yet to see It's a Wonderful Life. I guess it's just not very well known over here.

Anyway. Had a really quiet day at work. For some reason I didn't feel like talking, and being the weirdo (I know) I am, I just didn't bother to say anything. The day was a little bit more boring than usual, but I got around to do much more work than what I normally do. Oops. I wish my neighbours would decide to have a few quiet evenings, by the way. The new neighbours keep having lots of people over and they talk and laugh very loudly. Oh, and of course they bring children who just can't behave. I hate banging on the walls but I'm afraid I may have to unless they leave within the next couple of minutes. I was sort of planning on getting some sleep tonight. I could of course put on my headset and turn up the volume like I often do before going to bed, but I don't really feel like it tonight.

I watched The Calendar Girls today (it arrived in the post). Hadn't seen it before. Great fun. Embarrassing at times. Ciarán Hinds was in it, had completely forgotten about that so I nearly choked on the bun I was eating as he appeared on the screen. Must add that film to my Medialist (on the right hand panel over there) but I'd hate to move Freaky Friday down to second place. ;-)

What I really should be doing, however, is read. I've got heaps of books on my shelves, most of which I haven't read, and I think that's a disgrace, considering how much I used to read. But being very restless (increasingly so, even) I just can't stay with one thing at a time, so I am currently reading (but probably never finishing) seven books! No, wait, eight! Oh, dear.

Now, to the Bad Idea mentioned in the headline. I am thinking of doing a line of projects and posting about them in a new blog. I never follow through with my ideas - at least not for a prolonged time - so I'll probably mess this up as well, discouraged at the lack of comments or even readers in general, but I'm willing to give it a go. I'll prepare throughout this week and then see what I'll do about it.

For now, I should probably set up my WinAmp with some kickass music for tonight's little private gig. The current track is not considered kickass. Nightie night!

Current track: Alanis Morissette - Uninvited

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