
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

24 June 2004

Licking the Canvas 

- I'm going to lick the canvas now.
- Excuse me, "lick the canvas"?
- Yes, it's my new expression. I'm going to coin it.
- What does it mean?
- I don't know, but it's going to be the new cool thing to say, and people won't dare to ask me what it means, they'll just go *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* and ooh-err'ing when I use it because they don't want to admit to not knowing what it means.
- You know, you must be bored out of your mind these days.
- Oh, you bet. So I'm going to lick the canvas now.
- Ooh-err!

Current track: Just some birds chirping outside.

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