
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

28 March 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy! 

Sorry about not posting for quite a while, but you will not believe how busy I've been these past few weeks.

Last week I went to a one-day-long interview with a twatty company in central London. They were of course twatty because they wasted both their own and my time in that they kept me on for the whole day, checked my references and then didn't just not want me, but also posted the job as being available again the day after I'd met with them. What a loser, I thought, but then Lady Luck came over for a visit and granted me a much better opportunity. So I am at present working for a company outside of London, as per usual, this time in Hertfordshire. Hopefully we'll all like each other and get along well enough for me to stay on.

In addition to that, I have been going a bit overboard on the translation front and signed up for a few more projects than I could handle when I suddenly found myself in a new job. I have nevertheless done my bit (except for one project) and feel quite pleased with myself. If only they would pay me!

Two great things have happened in Telly World since last I posted, namely both Trevor Eve and Green Wing being back on the screen. OK, so the latter hasn't premiered yet, but I've been waiting since before the end of the first series, so this is pretty important to me.

I have done other things too, of course: Waiting for Oblivion to arrive I played GTA: SA again (started afresh). Took me about 20 minutes to accumulate 34 million dollars once I had 4000 to start with. Without cheating! Let's just say I quickly stopped mugging people for spare change and started working out at the gym instead. Anyway, Oblivion turned out to be even better than expected (even though it requires a rather massive computer compared to what's average for a gamer these days (and yes, I will laugh at that comment in about five years' time)), and I turn out to be much better at combat in Oblivion than I was playing its predecessor, Morrowind. Perhaps I'll even get past the few opening missions this time!

Right now all I have to worry about is getting enough sleep before the alarm rings.

Current track: Nothing.

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