
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

06 October 2006

Finally an Up-to-date Film Collection! 

Behold the new film database! I consists of exactly 800 films and has taken me quite some time to collate (I started anew, using a new program and abandoning the trusty old Excel spreadsheets). It has got its own website. ;-)

Worth noticing is how many films I have starring certain people. My list of "10 or more films" is also present on the website, so please have a look.

Another thing worth noticing is the sheer number of films that I own but have not fully seen... Oops.

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Congrats! Now you’ve only got 201 to go before you’ll be able to compete with Jennings and his “1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die” ;-) I’ for one’ will never be able to compete with either of you. Btw, how about adding a fourth entry with an alphabetic list (scrollable like the others or with links at the top from A to Z) featuring ‘scores’ or your ‘ranking number(s)’ from the other list(s), or even a search feature? I reckon that regular visitors would be curious as to how you evaluate films that they themselves loathe or love, and this would help them locate their favourites or pet hate objects when present.
Sure, I'll look into it.
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