
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

03 June 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon...Only I'm at Work 

Hi, it's me. Bet you missed me.

Evita has ended. I went to the last performance and it was all very tearful and sad and happy at the same time, because the very long curtain call and standing ovation seemed to be slightly more than most of the cast had anticipated. We finally managed to lure them back onto stage, ruining their whole "one curtain call only" rule, although it did take us a few minutes. And when they went back off the stage, they sauntered out, taking in the sight of a packed Adelphi giving them a well-deserved standing ovation.

So now that that adventure has ended, I am officially taking a break from spending all my time and money on theatre. I have been very good and not fallen into the Sweeney Todd trap. Too expensive for my budget.

Besides, I have spent my money on upgrading my home entertainment options. A new 32" LCD/TV, a Playstation 3 and a new mp3/video player for those long trips to and fro work. No, I did not win the lottery, only shuffled a few things around on my budget...and obtained a loan. Oops.

Let me just say...Playstation 3 on a normal CRT screen and a LCD/TV via the HDMI cable...two completely different versions of the same console. Wow.

Also, something very strange happened the other day (apart from the fact that they finally kicked Ben off of Any Dream Will Do?)--I've had this silly teenage crush on a particular actor for about a month now, one of those that'll probably go away after a while, but I have been very obsessed for a while. Last week I was going to town but had forgotten my Oyster card and had to go back home to get it. Back on the tube luck would have it that this certain actor was sitting opposite me for about 15 minutes. It's a small world.

Off to buy burgers. There's a programme about Sami people later on, followed by a documentary about the Shetland Islands. And thanks for bringing back The Friday Night Project.

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