
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

31 July 2007

Stop Making Excuses for Using Drugs! 

I know, I should be considered to be extremely boring and all that, simply because I have never tried drugs, I have never "even" smoked a joint. I think people who have are stupid, when everyone knows how dangerous it is. I think people who keep referring to smoking marijuana etc. and laughing about it just to show off are idiots. I think people hiding behind "but it was the sixties/seventies/eighties/nineties, everyone did it" are cowards and weak-willed. I think people who try it a few times and then think "this is good, so it cannot hurt me" and eventually become addicted to harder drugs have themselves to blame in this day and age where EVERYONE has been told all the way from school upwards that it is dangerous. I also think people who smoke a joint now and then are morons for saying "it's less dangerous than alcohol"/"alcohol is allowed, so why not this". The logic is missing; because it is LESS dangerous (something which is highly questionable, by the way) you could do it? Well, sitting in an aeroplane is less dangerous than a car, but you're not less dead if the crash occurs.

And this explains why they keep making stories like this hit the headlines. If you had any sense at all, you would already gather this from thinking in logic terms, but no. We need to be told on a regular basis that this and that is dangerous to your health. A few years ago they had made the "remarkable" discovery that roll-your-own cigarettes were worse than the filtered ones. People were genuinely shocked because they had always thought it was the other way around. WHY??? Do you understand the principle of a filter at all?

I'll end this post by sending a belated birthday greeting to Philip Quast (not sure why, as there is no reason whatsoever he should ever read this, but my mind works in mysterious ways) and sending YOU to see one of the geekiest tattoos I have ever seen. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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There’s one (but only one) good thing to be said for marijuana and other cannabis drugs though. They are very potent pain killers and in some countries (e.g. Denmark) are legally prescribed for such use, notable to alleviate the suffering of patients with certain forms of advanced cancer. In Norway such use had been dismissed by the authorities, and I suspect the predominant reason is that cannabis has an ‘antisocial’ ring to it. Nevertheless, they keep on using the far more addictive morphine, this word being ‘sanitized’ these days and mostly being associated with use in hospitals. However, it should be realized that heroin is just an efficient wrapper for morphine and immediately converted to the latter on the injection into the blood stream.

Make no mistake about it please, I’m not advocating the use of cannabis to reach personal or party euphoria (the effect is often overstated anyway), but the Norwegian dismissal of responsible use as an anesthetic isn’t at all logical.
Unfortunately, for pain relief you would have to use some sort of drug and I'm all for natural drugs rather than synthetic ones, so cannabis would in this respect be the lesser of two evils. But as a "recreational drug" (an expression which should never have been coined because it is so utterly stupid) I'm against it. If your life is so miserable, take up a hobby instead. ;-)
I truly feel you have shown your ignorance towards cannabis use in the comments you have made today. There are different types of cannabis grown with varying levels of potency. Surely you can understand that only the highly potent strain is the one that can potentially cause mental illness in less than 1% of users.
I'm sorry that I did not know that only the highly potent strain can be potentially dangerous. The reports I have read on this have mentioned cannabis in general, and I have no expert knowledge on the subject. This is why I have to rely on various sources of information coming from the actual experts. Since you seem to know a lot more than me on this, I would be interested in reading more about drugs from the viewpoint you have adopted. Perhaps you have some links? Ignorance is, after all, not as blissful as "they" claim.
May I say you seem to think you have enough expert knowledge on the subject to feel only idiots would experiment with drugs. Many tribes have used drugs as part of their spiritual practices for years but I doubt you would look at them and judge. Just as a starter http://society.guardian.co.uk/drugsandalcohol/story/0,,1487233,00.html should give you some education.
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