
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

24 August 2007

Funny Situation Starring Red Ken 

So we were going to Tesco to buy some lunch and two guys who looked scruffy and as if they'd lived on the street for a while were sort of talking on the top of the stairs to the subway (Americans beware: "Subway" i British English is not quite the same as the "Subway" you're used to). I didn't pay any attention until one of them pulled out a camera and I thought "hey, now THAT looks weird, why would he want to stick a digital camera close to the face of this guy?" At that moment I saw that it was in fact the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, out and about for some reason. The strange thing was that he was not surrounded by anyone. He was there with another guy who didn't look very official or business-like either, and although he was pointing a bit most people easily went by them without noticing one of them was the leader of one of the biggest cities in the world.

Oh yeah, and he was really good about being taken a picture of. Imagine that, on your way to work every day, people stop you several times to say something (usually silly), ask for your autograph, take a picture without really asking...remind me not to become a celebrity.

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So what kind of "subway" are we used to? LOL!
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