
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

11 January 2008


First things first: La cage aux folles (it's in French, hence the lower-case...just work with me here) FINALLY opened the other day, after six weeks of previews, basically. Seems like the reviews are mostly positive. Since I can't be bothered to link to them all and this is my favourite board, I will send you to this thread for reviews, should you want to read any.

Unfortunately I almost forgot all about it on the day, and I see I missed the newspaper reviews entirely just because I was exhausted after work. Three days of chaos at work, not exactly helped by the frustratingly slow system and the fact that I was the only one there from my team. I also missed the reviews due to my refusing to accept copies of free papers around the capital. Darn. Still, it's a principle. Wasting the forests on gossip is just horrendous behaviour and morals.

In my prudish opinion, of course. ;-)

Yet, despite being exhausted after work, I've kept up with my Whose Line watching. It's all very annoying. I got the first US season in the post yesterday and am trying to steer away from the episodes with The Proopster in them. My PVR is 33% full of episodes thanks to both Five US and Dave showing the two versions every single day.

It will pass, it will pass. (Maybe chanting that will help.)

In other news, I was asked if I was "enough old" to buy wine at the local Morrisons today.

I am 29.

I flashed her my Norwegian debit card (which is in no way proof of age over here, but it was all I had) and she probably took a good look at my white hair sprouting all over the place lately and decided she wouldn't be fired if she let me buy a couple of bottles of wine...and some rum and Bailey's. Hmm.

Maybe if I stopped drinking my hair wouldn't turn white so rapidly. Then again, where's the fun in that? Besides, I am turning 30 in a few weeks and need to drown my sorrows, after all. ;-)

There are two things I feel I have to mention:

1. The new expansion pack for The Sims 2 seems pretty cool. Then again, so was the last expansion pack, which I played constantly for 12 hours when I first got it, then put it away for no good reason other than that I had played through all the coolest parts. Electronic Arts certainly know how to make money!

2. I have very, VERY high hopes for Thank God You're Here. I know I've mentioned it not long ago, but I just have to go down that lane again. You're probably thinking "ok, she's definitely gone overboard with this improv kinda thing", but the thing is I've been a fan of improv for more than 15 years. Why on earth do you think I become overly excited about any new comedy starring Anders Hatlo and Johannes Joner? When they (read: usually Anders) forget their lines, the improv is amazing. I remember watching Minus Manus or something equivalent on NRK or...uhmmm...we probably only had NRK of the Norwegian channels back then, coming to think of it.

Not forgetting my first real memory of Tony Slattery and Mike McShane is from them performing in their own improv show in the early nineties. It's kind of embarrassing watching the old episodes of WLIIA now, when Tony seems to think he is supposed to be the star and that the North Americans are merely guest actors there to humour him. Sometimes it's even cringing watching his futile attempts at humour. If I wanted purely lavatorial comedy, I'd watch a couple of hours of the brilliant series Bottom. And I do, from time to time (after all, I'm supposed to be a huge Rik Mayall fan). Still, I have a soft spot for Mr. Slattery. I have an issue with getting rid of my old favourites, and he's among the earliest ones (I have a looong list, believe me! *checking the list* 135 people in total, actually. My, my.)

Well, a few minutes to tonight's "new" episodes of WLIIA, so I'd better post this and get offline. My last post mentioning Greg Proops got me quite a few hits through Google's blog search engine for no particular reason, so I feel I must apologise to the poor sods who visited just to find my ramblings and droolings.

But I won't.

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