
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 January 2008

Prolonging My Life Again (I Know, I'm Selfish) 

Moving People and Two-line Vocabulary are two of my favourite WLIIA games, and here are a few of the best I've seen:

Raptors on the loose (2 Line)
Operation on a mob boss (2 Line)
Head Feeder (2 Line)
Three outlaws in a shack (2 Line)
Fitting (Moving)
Tonto and the Lone Ranger (Moving)

Overheard on my way down to the tube platform the other day, two Americans:

She: "I hate stairs."
He: "What?"
She: "I said, I hate stairs."
He: "Really?"

How I wish he would only have asked her why, but no, it seems in his world it would be plausible to actually hate stairs, even though they are usually essential to ones mobility. I was fascinated by this extraordinary creature.

Heard later in the day, now actually on the tube:

Mum: "Say thank you to the man."
Kid: "Thank you, man!"

(Of course, this is probably something every parent has heard before, but I still think it's funny.)

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Lazy people usually DO hate stairs. LOL!
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