
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

23 February 2008

Afraid of Clowns? Or Nannies? Or...uhmm...Cars? 

You're going to love this, then:

Ronald McDonald on LSD (more or less)
I never knew Dame Julie could be scary

By the by, if you have been living under a rock, like me (although I once dreamt I lived ON a rock, with my cougar), you should watch this video.

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I see the Youtube fascination still lives on... ;) That Ronald video was hypnotising the first time I saw it a while ago, I just couldn't keep my eyes away from it... Now, luckily, I only find it very amusing! Also, regarding the last video.... YOU SUCK!
I am very, very sorry. I think that is the worst thing I have ever done, linking to that last video. And I haven't even seen it myself yet! I always look away. Wuss.

I know I am a latecomer to the YouTube craze, mostly because I never have time just to lazily surf the web anymore, but also because most of the video virals are just semi-amusing and not really worth the bother, so I am steering away from the "Most viewed" lists etc. Therefore I lose out on genuine gems until years after they were posted. :D

At least I can't be called mainstream. :p
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