
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

15 February 2008


...that a lot of people are against gun control in the US, considering all the evidence is pretty much against them.

Also amazing that a post which mentions Kevin Spacey once gets a lot more hits than most other posts I create. OK, that's just pretty sad, really.

Listening through a bunch of old favourites from the 80s, starting with the following:

Wax - Building a Bridge to Your Heart
Boy Meets Girl - Waiting for a Star to Fall
Avalanche - Johnny Johnny Come Home
El deBarge - Who's Johnny? (only fitting)
.38 Special - Caught up in You and Back to Paradise
Bill Lovelady - One More Reggae for the Road
Numero Uno - Tora Tora
Mathew Wilder - Break My Stride
Die Toten Hosen - Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod


And "new" episodes of Whose Line today. Which means we're coming closer to an episode with Greg Proops I've been looking forward to since this video was introduced on YouTube (a video which also upped my stats on last.fm when it comes to Girls Aloud) - one episode away from The Spineless Superhero, in fact. Yum.

OK, I'm pathetic. Just wait till you hear about my Weekend Project...tomorrow. Possibly.

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Oh my GOD, even to this day, if I hear Break My Stride, I want to barf! My brother played the hell out of that song when we were kids. LOL!
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