
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

23 February 2008

Anarchic Comedy 

In the 80s the US was practically untouchable when it came to doing comedy about its politics, living standards, people etc. During the 90s a few people started doing just that, and were considered to be rebels (some of them probably ended up on some FBI list because of this). These days it's almost mandatory to poke fun at the US and Americans in general. It's considered mainstream and many of us have surfed that wave for a while now, too much of a coward to have tried it before, when it was still politically incorrect.

So I'm thinking in order to be a rebel now and be considered a visionary in a decade's time, one has to find some untouchable subject to make jokes about. My suggestion is Sudan. We have to start making jokes about the people living dying there, people on the run, the ridiculous reasons for them being on the run in the first place, the lovely and corrupt political system, the fact that the rest of us can't be bothered to help them because we're too busy contemplating our navels etc. etc.

Let's sharpen those pencils and get cracking, people!

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