
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

24 February 2008

A Bit of Funny Fun 

Now, as I am eagerly awaiting the release of Grand Theft Auto IV in late April (touch wood), I am keeping up-to-date with the progress on a daily basis over on Gamespot and I have to say this movie was the best. I would HIGHLY recommend it for everyone, even those not even remotely interested in gaming, as it actually is a tale of Irish-themed pubs. Laughing out loud when I watched it.

Finished reading The King of Torts by John Grisham today. Must admit I was starting to get a bit bored about 2/3 into the book, and during the last few chapters I actually more or less just skimmed. Looking forward to starting a completely new book now.

Finally got episode 510 of Whose Line (US) today. It's been deleted no less than three times from my PVR because I always thought I had it already. I sort of did, but it was on my flatmate's PVR, so that didn't really count. I even managed to delete it again yesterday (DUH!), but tonight I got a firm grip on the remote and steered my fingers away from the delete button. Phew. So now I can see the wonderful Biker Gang sketch over and over and over again. Not that I would want to, but at least now I have the opportunity to do so, should I go temporarily insane in the middle of the night. And insane I would have to be, if I wanted to keep looking at that funky looking pompadour of Greg Proops's. Man! (Loosely connected with the Bergenese "gå, mann!")

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