
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 February 2008

On the HD Note... 

That's the spirit.

In other news, my flatmate is in the process of trying to figure out a proper stage name. It's going to last her whole career and is due to be handed in to Equity in about a month's time. We are working overtime. I am working overtime trying to come up with feasible solutions, and she is working overtime rejecting them all. :D

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So she’s in need of a stage name, and presumably an anglicized one at that? That would seem to indicate some long term plans about staying on in the UK. Hence, a piece of warning is in order. (And it might well apply to your good self, as well.) I recently read that ‘The French drink more red wine and definitely eat much more garlic than the English, and they live longer. The Germans imbibe less red wine, guzzle more beer and eat much more red meat and pork meat than the English, and live longer. The Japanese eat more fish than the English, but swig down less wine, and they live longer, too. The Danes are on a par with the English when it comes to consuming beer, cheese, sausages, eggs and bacon. Yet the Danes live longer! ‘ Conclusion: It’s not what you eat and/or drink. It’s speaking English that kills you! (Btw, how about Alison Biggles-Vosper, Jaye Fernanda Llamas, Cathy Giggles-Bates, Bella Catherine Moy or even Emma-Jane Rosewood?) - Aug
Thank God I speak both Danish, German and a little bit of French, then! And Dutch! Ooh, and the other Scandinavian languages. I think I'll be fine.

Besides, it's not the quantity, it's the quality of life that counts. ;-)

We've decided hyphenated names sound too posh for anyone to take her seriously as an actor, haha!
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