
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

06 April 2008

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*Olympic flame shuffled around London. Much glee and gnashing of teeth.
*Lots to do at work. Missed the live online coverage of the flame in Stratford because someone needed my help. Bloody customers. They're just so selfish.
*New Michael Ball show on Radio 2, great fun. Dame Judi Dench his first guest. Good chums.
*New comedy show on ITV1: Headcases. Part very funny, part meh. Dame Judi Dench featured as a chav (this was to be considered a highlight of the programme.)
*Paid some bills, little money left in the account. All is normal.
*Rang my mum for about two minutes while waiting for the tube train to arrive. Happy birthday.
*Lovely tigers on BBC1. Fabulous nature programmes on that channel (as if we didn't know already.)
*I think I may have found a few favourites on I'd Do Anything. We'll see.
*Looking forward to a little bit of time to sit down and write a couple of long overdue emails. Has to be done properly.
*Really hooked on Melanie C's newest album these past few weeks. Can't find a dull song on the entire album. Also reignited my love for Briskeby's album Jeans for Onassis (Hey, Harvey.)


*Long day at work.
*No snow.
*Seymour the Fractal Cat on BBC Radio 7.
*The Gadget Show on Five (I am such a geek I'm actually looking forward to that show a week in advance.)
*Hopefully reading a bit more of Charlie Brooker's Screen Burn (it is hilarious.)
*Watching yesterday's episode of Doctor Who on the iPlayer.
*Buying soap.

My life is so glamourous.

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Well, your life is a lot more glamorous than mine! I spent the whole weekend nursing my sore muscles. LOL!
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