
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

06 June 2008

Friday Sweeps 

Reading RadioTimes my gaze rests upon this peculiar one-sentence description of the film Escape to Victory: "Second World War soccer drama starring Sylvester Stallone and Michael Caine". Wow. I bet there aren't many of those around.

Also, danger in Bow, East London. My favourite sentence in this article: "Earlier this week the bomb began ticking as they approached it." That can't be good.

I went to see Afterlife yesterday. Remember how I said I don't tell people beforehand any more, of ANY of my plans, because then something weird and unforeseen is bound to happen? Well, I left home with a 30-minute margin and arrived at the theatre, sweating and panting, two minutes after the announced start. Luckily I was in time for the play (after all, they probably knew that the West End's Best Reviewer still hadn't turned up, and waited until I had sat down--I almost got a fanfare as I entered, actually). The play itself was...difficult to describe. I think the two ladies behind me were spot on, during the interval:

"Sarah said we should have bought the programme, as there is an in-depth prologue there."
"So you're saying Sarah is actually enjoying the play?"

The weirdest thing is that even though I didn't quite understand what the hell was going on most of the time, I actually liked it! I do believe Frayn may have taken Bill Murray's Tootsie character's biggest wish in life a little bit too serious, though; he wants to write a play where someone, days later, would come up to him and say "Hey, I saw your play. What was it about?"

On a more distinct note, the Lyttelton was bigger than I thought it would be. The Olivier always turns out to be larger than I remembered, so not quite sure why that surprised me. And one day I will go see a play at the Cottesloe (or Cottleshoe, as I keep calling it for no apparent reason), just so that I have taken in all three stages at the National Theatre.

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