
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

26 September 2008

Crazy Swedes. And a Few Norwegians. 

They must be on drugs.

Went out with some people from work yesterday, first to a downtown casino, then to a nice restaurant (which we decided was almost too posh for us, but then we got really into the spirit(s) and couldn't care less about what the waiters might think). I had a starter! I never have starters. I also had four glasses of white wine (I was aiming for just the one, but they kept refilling them). Then ended the night with an Irish Coffee. One of the guys lives in LA, so of course I had to ask him if it's true you should have a car to get anywhere there. Yes, I was a minute away from asking him if he'd seen Greg Proops anywhere. But then I actually got a grip. LA isn't exactly a small village, hehe!

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I come to desire a good weekend to you.
That sounds intriguing. Please elaborate.
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