
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

25 February 2009

Gotta Love the Customers 

Lovely. So far today, and I have to warn you as this post contains some very bad language, I have been called these things:

Fucked-out cunt bastard.
Cunt (times 15 or so).
Slimy cunt.

All of this by the same customer, within just one hour. Now, I cannot argue with the last one, because I can seem a little cocky if I am 100% right and the person I'm communicating with is a little squid with a brain the size of half a peanut, but I was amazed he had the intelligence to pick up on that so quickly, if at all! Then again, I think perhaps he was mainly just jotting down whatever word he could remember.

Gotta love customer services...

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Wow, those are some relly nice words! Cocksucker...*lol* Yes, customers can be bastards sometimes, I do remember that from working in a shop, plus being a secretary. Mental!

I’d say your client’s got a rather limited menu of expletives. He/she would benefit greatly from studying the rich flora of swear words in the latino world, particularly in Italy and Brazil. If it’s a prerequisite to have genitalia in there, those places can boast mind expanding combinations involving fauna, every mythical creature between the devil and the deep blue sea, as well as all the horny (in all senses of the world, and there are at least three) beings down below and the great white flock above beyond the pearly gate. The next time round you might refer him/her to an Italian colleague for further instruction. Aug
"Fucked-out cunt bastard"

Still my favorite. LOL!
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